Back in 2019, Steve Harvey’s new show, Steve, got major traction for a few months and then it stopped abruptly. It was revealed that NBC had already canceled the talk show of the famous Family Feud host. The talk show by Harvey was on air for close to 7 years before the network decided to end it. Interestingly, the time slot was later given to the Kelly Clarkson Show- which debuted on the 9th of September, 2019. Back in January 2019, Harvey had spoken about how he felt that his show was to be pulled off the air. He sounded pretty disappointed with the whole saga.

Steve Harvey stated, “I thought I was going to stay with NBC until they made an announcement a couple of weeks ago that they wanted to give Kelly Clarkson the owned-and-operated NBC networks- that’s my slot. I don’t know if it sold. It’s not selling as they thought, but I thought it would have been nice of them to come to me. I’m just an old-school guy, and I just thought that you’re supposed to just talk to people. Just go, ‘Look, you’ve been good business for us. This is what we’re thinking of doing, are you okay with that?’ 

No, you just don’t put something in the paper and say, ‘I’m just going to make this move right here,’ because it’s crazy.

Prayers for Steve Harvey - "I didn't come this far to be abandoned by the God I follow."
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Steve Harvey Believes That God Would Show Him What Is Expected Of Him In The Next Phase Of His Life

It needs to be mentioned that Steve Harvey has often claimed to be a man of faith. His very belief in God throughout the decades, according to him, has been the guiding force behind all the success he has had. Needless to say, someone with such a strong faith in the Almighty would never think that God would lead him astray after taking him on his journey for so long. This implies that he believes that the cancellation of his show was simply an act of God- and had some ulterior, higher purpose that he wasn’t aware of, just yet. His actions, job choices, and other aspects of his life have had God feature in quite heavily. Just the previous year, he spoke about how imagination was a gift from God.

Steve Harvey mentioned, “So, everything you see in this world came from somebody’s imagination.” He further elaborated that someone’s imagination was simply the evidence of those things that one hadn’t seen. He stated, “So all the stuff you have been imagining is not hocus pocus. When you imagine stuff, it is actually God showing you a preview of a coming attraction he has for you. The problem is that you ‘tell it to the wrong people.’

He went on to state that if we share what’s in our imagination with other small-minded people, we would not be able to achieve what we have set our minds to.

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