Heartbreak can be the most distressing things we humans endure. So often we spin in and out of patterns that are not conducive to our personal development. This is why we love to read about inspirational stories about remarkable people that have overcome some major adversities in their lives. Today we want to re-share the story of Riona Kelly. Her husband left her, right as her health took a seriously wrong turn that, at the time, left her paralyzed. However, she is grateful for everything that happened because now she is thriving in a new relationship.

Riona Kelly, persevered after being paralyzed
Image credit: YouTube

Paralyzed and divorced – a double wammy

39-year-old Riona Kelly was unhappily married. she and her husband were on the verge of getting a divorce. Things were not looking great for Riona, but little did she know there was more to come. In 2015, she took a tumble down the stairs. Her then-five-year-old son, Logan, heard the thuds and called for help. She was rushed to the hospital, where the doctors told her she suffered a rare spinal stroke. Which left her paralyzed from the waist down.

A strke that left her paralyzed
Image credit: YouTube

Riona was distraught by the news. But, to make matters worse, her husband decided that was his cue to end their marriage. Riona was only in hospital for five days when he asked for a divorce. “After suffering a stroke, not only did I have to deal with paralysis but I had to deal with losing my partner of 14 years,” said Riona. “He asked me for a divorce I was left completely alone. After five days in hospital I was told it would take me six months to a year to recover.”

Luckily for Riona, one of her good friends stepped up to support her during this difficult time. “After my husband left me in hospital, my friend, Sarah, became my next of kin, it was her and the children that supported me during my recovery,” said Riona. “Looking back I was miserable in my marriage, but we had built a life together and had responsibilities. It was the time I needed my husband the most.”

An inspiration to persevere

The adjustments that Riona had to face were overwhelming to say the least, and many people would have crumbled under the pressure. But, Riona was inspired to keep up her strength for her four children (whom she shared with her now ex-husband). They are: Logan would be 10 years old now, and Isabella is now 14. Caleb was 11-years-old, but is now 16. Then, Leighanra was 16, but is now 21.

Only eight weeks after her fall, Riona amazed her doctors by taking her first step after being paralyzed. She used a bar to keep herself upright, so it wasn’t perfect, but she was determined not to give up. “I was dragging my body and I had no feeling in my legs but I didn’t care, I was walking and that’s all that mattered,” Riona said. “My consultant was very emotional, he couldn’t believe I had done it with the help of a standing frame.”

Using a bar to stand upright
Image credit: YouTube

Along with her desire to stay strong for her children, and the support she received from other patients in the hospital, Riona went home. It was four months after the accident. “But the other patients on the ward were amazing, I received so much support from them and they encouraged me to get out of bed every day,” she said.

She found love again

Now that she was back home, Riona wanted to start training to become even stronger. She made a Facebook post, seeking out a personal trainer. That is when Kieth came into her life. She hired him to train her, but a romance soon blossomed between them. “After our sessions Keith and I stayed in contact, he would ask me how I was getting on and our relationship blossomed from there,” Riona said. “We have now been together for 11 months, the children really like him and I finally feel like I’m living the life I deserve.”

Kelly dong squats
Image credit: YouTube

Kieth has told Riona how much she inspires him on a daily basis, but it seems to be a mutual thing between them. “Keith says I inspire him, but he encourages me every day and understands and sees the pain that I am in,” she said. “He has been amazing with me and the children and I love him more each and every day.”

Riona went on to say how Kieth is helping her to become stronger every day, and is able to accomplish so much more than others expect of her. She says, “looking back, going through what I did was the best thing to ever happen to me.’

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