Blair Featherman

When did the world go totally crazy? Every day it seems, we are bombarded with videos of people who have lost all their manners and decency and simply choose to treat other people horribly. In today’s edition of “Who do you think you are?” we have a woman unleashing a racist rant that is truly unbelievable.

This lady was caught on camera at a Colorado apartment complex pool around the Fourth of July. She is seemingly upset because a family was having a party at the pool when it was supposed to be her time to relax. The situation is tense, with lots of people trying to help control this woman, but it is too, little too late. She is getting her time to shine because her behavior is going viral.

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It looked like a beautiful day.

Jade Serie captured the confrontation on camera at a pool in Lakewood, Colorado, and posted it on her TikTok account, @jadeserie. She called the woman a “Karen,” and we’d have to agree, but we learned her name is Blair Featherman. She is seen yelling, “You have a f—ing Mexican party in a pool. Trash.” Whoa.

We aren’t exactly sure what prompted her to get so upset, but she is unhinged. She only gets more enraged when she sees that Serie is recording.

Featherman charges toward Serie.

“You can’t do that. You can’t just record me,” she said, grabbing the phone. The video cuts to Featherman now on a lounger with several people around her trying to calm her down.

You can hear someone apologizing repeatedly, clearly embarrassed by her, and honestly, probably for her. But Featherman is still going. She tells the family to “go back to Denver.”

Then things get really heated.

We can hear someone off-camera yell to Featherman to leave. And she yelled back, “I live here. Nowhere where you ever came from, you f—ing low-class slime!”

Featherman then starts spouting off about name brands and pulls some kind of pills from her bag, and a man quickly yells, “No. No.” What in the actual heck is going on?

But there is more.

Big name TikToker @tizzyent, gave us more details. According to Tizzy, Serie said Featherman was removed from the pool area and may have been ticketed by police. The family did get an apology from her boyfriend’s son and girlfriend, but sadly, they admitted she is a bit of a troublemaker.

Tizzy did some digging and found Featherman touting herself as an employee of the Master Gallery in Denver. The company was quick to dismiss that claim and disassociate itself from the racist Karen.

“Dear Denver community,

It has come to our attention that a former employee has appeared on social media expressing hateful and offensive statements. Master’s Gallery Denver has not employed this individual for over 5 years and condemns any actions or statements expressing hatred or racism.

We represent and support artists and people of all backgrounds and will continue to do so.

Thank you.

Where is ‘Karen’ now?

No one knows. She sure had a lot to say at the pool, but Featherman has been awfully quiet ever since.

“I like it when you do this,” someone wrote on Tizzy’s post. “It’s like a satisfying ending to a sad movie.”

Someone else commented: “The fact that her bf son and gf went to apologize for her behavior speaks volumes. Sometimes you have to fall on your face hard or other things.”

That last comment is so true. Sorry, Karen, but you have to own this one. Everyone deserves to enjoy their lives without the fear of people like you acting like racist lunatics. We could go back to what our moms said and remind you that if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all, but it appears that ship has sailed.

Congratulations on your viral fame. May you get all of the press and accolades you deserve.

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