For several months, a hairless and solitary creature, resembling a werewolf, loitered beside the road. His skin was rough and scaly, and his once-black fur now appeared tattered and bristled on his neck. His tail was pointed and broken.

The unfortunate dog seemed emaciated and feeble, probably without adequate food for weeks, and had trouble walking. This enigmatic being was spotted skulking near an orchard in Madera Ranchos, California, but little was known about him. Due to his menacing and fierce appearance, people were too afraid to approach him!



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The unfortunate dog was labeled as “Werewolf” by locals, who were unsure of his true species and feared approaching him.

However, at the end of March, a passerby noticed the dog and promptly shared a post about him on Facebook from the safety of her car. She then waited nearby until assistance arrived. Before long, another compassionate animal advocate, Megan Bowe, arrived at the location to help.

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“I was about ready to cry when I saw how bad off he was,” Megan Bowe, founder of Bowe’s Adoptable Rescued Pup, tells The Dodo. “He was really on his last leg. He was depressed and could barely even stand up.”


EzoicUpon arriving at the scene, Megan swiftly identified the “werewolf” as a severely ill and neglected German shepherd mix. She promptly named him “King” and took him in her car to an emergency veterinary clinic. King appeared grateful for the help and willingly followed Megan.

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At the clinic, the veterinarian diagnosed King with a range of ailments and injuries. His most severe conditions included scabies, a fractured pelvis, and a broken tail. Despite his mature appearance, King was only one year old.

“The vet thinks he got hit by a car, and that would explain how his tail was so messed up, too,” Megan said. “That injury happened months ago…and with such a damaged pelvis, he wasn’t able to get around very far on his own to look for food so he was extremely skinny and dehydrated.”

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Due to King’s contagious diseases, Megan established a quarantine area in her garage to prevent him from infecting the other animals she cared for. She started him on small amounts of food, gradually increasing his portions to help him regain his strength and weight at a steady pace before his pelvis and tail operations.



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Despite his weakened and injured state, King expressed gratitude towards his caretaker. After about a month of treatment, King’s mange cleared up and he regained his strength.

Recently, King underwent successful surgery on his pelvis and tail after he had become strong enough to do so. He now goes on daily walks to strengthen his leg, under the supervision of his veterinarian.

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Towards the end of the month, King will visit the veterinarian again to monitor his healing progress and have his stitches removed. Depending on his recovery from the first operation, he may require surgery on his other hip as well.

“Now he is happier than ever!”


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King’s journey has been long, but his remarkable progress has turned his situation around from a few months ago. He no longer resembles the intimidating “werewolf” that once frightened people. Megan predicts that King will make a complete recovery within a few months, and will then be ready for adoption.


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In the meantime, King is loving his newfound life, enjoying treats like doggie ice cream, going for walks, and riding in the car with the windows down!


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“It’s hard to think that all those cars passed him by and never stopped,” the kindhearted woman said. “No one wanted to bring him home or help him because he looked so bad.”



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It’s often just one step that separates a coward from a hero.


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Thanks to individuals like Megan and other animal advocates who refuse to ignore animal mistreatment and neglect, King now has a chance at a happy life – something that every dog deserves!

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