Rodents and ‘creepy crawlies’ are always a concern for farmers. The unwanted visitors tend to eat the produce and potentially leave disease behind. Yet a field of cannabis fought back against a little intruder. In New Brunswick, Canada, where cannabis is legal, a mouse was found among the plants. It was laying on its back, “stoned” and passed out.

Discovering a “Stoned” Mouse atop a Cannabis Leaf Stack

For two days in a row, Colin Sullivan claimed to have observed the small rodent taking leaves from his produce. Images showed the mouse eating its miniature “harvest” before the consequences took hold. The rodent was found unconscious and resting on his leaf pile.

The mouse was kept in a cage by Sullivan to “detox” until it returned to its normal state. The mouse returned to the wild after a span of six days.

“For two days in a row I’ve caught this little pothead taking leaves off of my plant and eating them until he passes out,” the owner wrote on Facebook, sharing the amusing encounter.

“Even though it might be self-medication for his PTSD given that he is missing an ear, I believe it is time for an intervention. I’ll give him a pass on this one, but when he wakes up, he’s going to get a really harsh talking to.”

The Mouse Attends “Rehab”

A few days later, when the mouse was still within his Perspex cage, Sullivan provided an update to his fans.

Our little baked buddy has had a difficult few days, but I believe he will fully recover despite having a stomachache and severe food cravings.

He appears to be responding well after being weaned to one medium leaf per day. My friend, one day at a time, one day at a time.


The mouse was taken out of “rehab” three days later. Sullivan used a variety of clever puns to convey the happy news of the mouse’s recovery:

Regarding The Rat To Salvation.

This little mouse has finished his battle with addiction, identified the seeds and stems, and is prepared to go forward after a protracted and desperate struggle. Weed all gain from cooperating to aid any addict’s life of smoking clear. After giving it his all, he received his first Twelve Step chip.


“He set himself free, even though I was the one who opened his cage.” Till we cross paths again, dear friend, good bye.

The “Stoner Mouse” Gains Notoriety

More than 461 thousand people shared the original post, and more than 6.4 thousand people shared the most recent one, which received 1.5 thousand comments full of jokes and condescension.


Legal Status of Cannabis in New Brunswick.

Although the drug is viewed differently in each province and territory, cannabis has been legal in Canada since 2018.

On its official website, the New Brunswick government states: “We are creating a culture that is safe, lawful, responsible, and exclusive to adults through our decisions, actions, and legislation. We are utilizing the economic opportunities this new industry offers while placing a high priority on public health education and awareness.

Cannabis can only be purchased through authorized merchants in this province, and users must be at least 19 years old. A person can only have up to 30 grams on them at once. Additionally, it will be against the law to use cannabis in a car or in public. Tenants may not be allowed to produce or smoke cannabis, according to landlord regulations. They cannot, however, forbid using cannabis if they allow smoking tobacco.

people say, “In order for New Brunswickers to make educated decisions about their personal cannabis use, it is important that they are aware of the risks.”

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