Have you ever been to a neighborhood where every house looks normal, but there’s one that distinctly stands out? They usually have something remarkable in their appearance that forces you to stop, look, and wonder about what the story might be. It may be because it has too many gnomes, or maybe because there are extremely exotic flowers peeking. However, this house warrants multiple looks because of its starkly different color scheme.

Vee Miller is an artist, and her house is painted completely black. She had bought the 1850s house with Derek, her husband, in Baltimore in the United States. One of their first decision was to revamp it entirely starting with a makeover in jet-black. The reason behind the decision mostly comes from Vee. She explains that she has an obsession with the black color, so much so that she would find it hard to stay alive without it.

There’s More To The Home Color Choice Than Just A Preference

However, Vee’s reasoning is not as superficial as it might sound. She explains that color causes stress in her. Vee perceives every color as a different sensation and mood, as such, she almost always wears black. She loves black’s moodiness and darkness. She finds it elegant and explains some even find it sexy. However, of course, not everyone shares their opinion. She adds, while showing the home’s sleek interior, that the home’s visible surfaces are at least 80% black with the upper level, which includes a bathroom and 2 bedrooms.

She adds that both of the home’s bathroom is completely black, as well as their bedroom and the kitchen. This means that the bedding, walls, and everything you can think of is in solid black. Vee’s stunning pictures on Instagram have gained her over 16,000 followers. On TikTok, she has over 100,000 followers.

Apart from showing the interiors through her clips, she also posted clips from the CCTV camera installed outside her front door. It shows the comments of the passers-by. Most are stunned by the home’s marvelousness. Unfortunately, though, not every public comment is positive. One even thought it was comparable to ‘the devil’s house’. For Vee, it is a mystery as to why black is automatically assumed to have negative vibes. She says: “When I do get comments like ‘this is too much black’, I just try to ignore it and move on because you can’t please everybody”.

Vee’s Future Has A Lot Of Things To Look Forward To

Fortunately, Vee’s neighbors have been extremely supportive of the gothic installment in their street. Vee had explained that she was slightly concerned about what the homeowners would think. She was worried that they would think the color scheme would hurt their home’s financial value. However, that was not the case. Everybody likes their home. In fact, they even had a Facebook community page where the house became the center of attention.

However, in February 2023, the couple decided to move out of their gothic home in Baltimore. They had spent 6 years there. As they left, Vee thanked the city for ‘some amazing memories’. The couple’s new home (nicknamed ‘Pop’) has a more usual color scheme, but she has been introducing black into the interior gradually. However, Vee is still undecided on whether to turn their exterior jet-black as well. Moreover, the family will have a new member soon to go with the new home! Hopefully, the baby appreciates the stunning aesthetics.

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