The medical expert has explained what the method is following the Princess of Wales’ announcement

The Princess of Wales posted a health update video on X this evening through Kensington Royal’s official account.

The video comes following weeks of speculation and conspiracies surrounding her health, that were amplified after the photo she posted on Mother’s Day was admittedly edited.

In tonight’s two minute clip, the Princess explained: “In January, I underwent major abdominal surgery in London and at the time, it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous. The surgery was successful.

“However, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment.

“This of course came as a huge shock, and William and I have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family.”

Preventative chemotherapy has been explained.


She also credited her husband and children for helping her through the past few months, asked for privacy until she is ready to assume her royal duties again.

Many have been left wondering what ‘preventative chemotherapy’ actually is though, with the Princess of Wales revealing that she will be undergoing it.

Consultant oncologist Professor Pat Price went on LBC to explain what it actually is, saying: “What that is, is that when a cancer has been surgically removed and taken away, we sometimes give chemotherapy afterwards just in case, there’s any cells that were missed or escaped.

“And that can take the form of either tablets or injections, usually for a limited amount of time, and then stopped.” She explained.

The medical expert labelled it as ‘just in case’ chemotherapy.

Host Tom Swarbrick then asked: “How long, again, in theory, would a course of preventative chemotherapy last?”

Professor Price answered: “Well, some tablets are given, say, 14 days out of the month.

“Some injections are given once every three weeks, so we’re not to know what it is but she’ll be probably undergoing treatment for several months now, intermittently, as an outpatient,

“And this is the time, she needs some time and space to look after her health as well,” the doctor concluded.

The method can involve taking tablets or injections.

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Several members of the public have come out in support for the Princess following the news, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also issuing a statement to show his support for William and Kate.

The news comes after a reported investigation was launched at The London Clinic after staff allegedly tried to access the Princess of Wales’s private medical records amid speculation of her whereabouts since she was admitted to the hospital for abdominal surgery on 16 January.

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