A biker’s response to a rude woman’s comments about his appearance went viral.

Luc Perreault wrote about his experience with the woman on Facebook, explaining that he was test-driving his mother’s motorcycle when he decided to take a break at a Tim Horton’s restaurant. Inside, he caught the attention of a little girl who wanted to say hello.

When Perreault replied to the girl’s sweet introduction, her mother ran over and grabbed her by the hand. She hurried her daughter off, telling her that they didn’t talk to “dirty bikers.”

Perreault responded to the mother’s rude remarks in a Facebook post later that day.

“Yes I am a big 280 lbs guy with motorcycles and full of tattoos, I am a welder, I am loud, I drink beer, I swear and I look like I would eat your soul if you stare at me wrong,” he wrote, continuing:

What you don’t know is that I have been happily married for 11 years, my kids call me daddy, i am a college graduate, my mother is proud of me and tells everyone how lucky she is to have such a wonderful son, my nieces and nephews are always happy to see there m’noncl Luc, when my daughter broke her arm I cried more than she did. I read books, i help people, I go out of my way to thank war veterans and I even cried at Armageddon.

So next time I smile and say hi to your little girl and you grab her and tell her “No no dear we don’t talk to dirty bikers” remember that even tho you hurt my feelings this [“dirty biker”] would be the first person to run into your burning house to save your little girls gold fish so she wouldn’t be sad!!!!

Perreault’s post quickly went viral, with many applauding his response to the rude comments.

“Nice man, never judge, everyone’s on their own path, lift people up!” one Little Things reader commented.

“Well, too bad for that person…. missed out on a new friend!” another wrote on the man’s Facebook post.

Sources: Little ThingsLuc Perreault/Facebook

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