The server had been in the business for 20 years and had never received a tip like it

With multiple hit songs, albums and awards under his belt at just 28 years old, it would be very easy to understand if Malone, whose real name is Austin Richard Post, let it go to his head.

He could easily come across a bit cocky and arrogant to those who haven’t achieved worldwide fame, but according to one Reddit user, that isn’t the case.

The user took to the platform in November to share their thoughts on Malone after he allegedly visited their place of work.

It’s unclear what Malone purchased during his visit, but it wasn’t cheap as he racked up a check of almost $3,500 including tax and service charge.

That would be more than enough money for some people to lay out in one sitting, but Malone apparently decided to almost double his spend by leaving a big tip for the person who had served him.

Post Malone racked up a bill of almost $3,500.

Lorne Thomson/Redferns

The server revealed the tip with a picture of the check on Reddit, alongside a caption which read: “Post Malone is a wonderful person and a great tipper.”

On top of the $3,475.50 Malone had spent on his order, he added a whopping tip of $3,000.

That’s a bit better than the average 10-20 percent, isn’t it?

The server added in their post that they’d been working in service for nearly 20 years, and this was ‘by far the best tip [they had] ever received’.

They described Malone as ‘such a genuine and cool dude’, adding: “This begs the question. Which celebrities have you served that were really generous? Any surprisingly cheap celebrities?”

The server shared a picture of the tip on Reddit.


Reddit users were quick to join in the conversation to share their thoughts on Malone’s tip, as well as their own experiences working with celebrities.

One user claimed they’d also received a big tip from Malone in the past, saying: “I worked his birthday party this year and he tipped each of us servers $1000, for maybe 5 hours of work and was ridiculously sweet.”

Another alleged they’d had a good experience with Martin Sheen, saying the Apocalypse Now actor had ‘picked up everyone’s tabs at the bar and hung out for a solid hour’.

Of course, there are always going to be customers who are less delightful to serve, but I’m sure a hefty tip helps soften the blow!

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