In a Reddit post, a woman shared a troubling situation where her fiance teased her about her higher income, pressuring her to cover expenses for him and his friends. Despite her recent 30% raise, she found herself repeatedly paying for meals, with her fiance using the salary increase against her when she refused.

Frustrated by this pattern, she decided to set boundaries before going out, clearly stating that she wouldn’t cover their dinner expenses. However, during the meal, her fiance quietly informed her that she would be paying again. Despite his expectations, she firmly declined, leading to an angry exchange in which she paid her own bill and left without causing a scene.

Upon leaving, her fiance called and texted, expressing displeasure at being left with the bill he couldn’t afford. During their subsequent argument, he criticized her as selfish, irrational, stingy, and childish. His friends, disappointed in her behavior, advised him to reflect on their relationship. The situation escalated, leading to a loud argument and his eventual departure.

The woman’s Reddit post reveals a concerning dynamic in her relationship, where financial expectations and teasing about her income have strained their connection. The incident highlights the importance of communication and mutual respect in handling financial matters within a relationship.

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